There's a civil war raging in Java. The fearsome superweapon of the Imperials, the Death Star, poses a threat to everything and everyone. With its massive laser cannon, it can destroy battle cruisers, and even entire planets. It seems that the rebels' only chance is to try to find the weak point of the space station, where a well-timed and accurately aimed attack could possibly neutralize and even blow it up. You and your team, an elite unit of the Resistance Command, get the honorable but very difficult task of directly obtaining the files from the Death Star's onboard computer system. The droid R2D2, known as a constant partner throughout the entire base, has already made it to the star along a secret route, using a stolen security code. Unfortunately, however, the stormtroopers noticed the droid, who, as he could not identify himself properly, was confined to a cell. The mission is complicated. You need to somehow obtain the files and load them onto R2, then shoot the whole "package" out into space with the help of a life pod. Thus, your team's task is to liberate the R2D2 droid from the dreaded Death Star, and deliver the space station's blueprints to the Rebel Base. All these tasks must be accomplished within 60 minutes, otherwise you'll find yourselves facing Lord Vader's lightsaber.
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