A failed bank robbery, or perhaps you've been forging? Considering your current situation, it doesn't really matter. You should know that there is no place more hellish in this world than cell number 33. Escaping from Alcatraz would be child's play compared to this. Don't think it's just like a private cell, something is not right here. We often hear as if the walls are moving. From the guards, we heard that some fortunate prisoners found puzzles, secret doors, heard inexplicable sounds, saw strange things. Many have gone lost, almost insane with speculation and decoding. I heard from Rob that after your sentencing, you were invited to cell 33. I thought I'd just prepare you for what's to come... If there's a chance for anyone to escape, and the rumors about what happens there are true, if there is even a small chance to get out from here, the solution can only be found there! Beware! Be smart, pay attention, and solve the puzzle... Break out, save yourself, but don't lose yourself!
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